Push&Smile Coaching ‘s mission is to offer an outstanding and professional structure to provide best possible experience to help athletes (professionals, semi-professionals and amateurs) excel their potential.

Over years of experience, all professionals at Push&Smile, we observed that in too many occasions where athletes often focus on unachievable goals, do not respect the principles of adequate rest, hydration and nutrition, as well as do not structure and plan their seasons to accelerate. Also, we observed that certain old myths based on volume or max effort still persist on athlete’s minds or cultures, as well as a belief that one should always do the longest possible distance an event is offering. Every human being is unique, and therefore each of us has unique capabilities, body conditions, living environments, etc.

For us, training and performing is not a TDL [To-Do-List], it is rather a deep diving itinerary, eventually has become the lifestyle. To excel at their best, one needs focus, and have realistic goals. It is one thing to own a desire/dream, and another to understand the opportunities in his/her personal potential made of strengths & weaknesses. And while it takes both to create a Champion, topping them up with a monitored nutrition, strength workouts, body mapping, mindfulness and mentoring, is the most balanced routine we have discovered.

We are on the lookout for such dedicated hard working spirits, with whom we aim to work together. We aren’t here to send excel sheets and sit to see how one repeatedly gets injured or fails. We will analyze all aspects of one’s current fitness, goals, life balance, diet, etc. We will work together to balance one’s goals and potential. We encourage a sportsman’s discipline in all individuals, as it supports us to create a powerful attitude to prepare them both mentally and physically for a winning trail.

The communication will be exclusively between coach/es and athletes while any misconduct, disrespect or incoherent behavior could cause discharge of the athlete from the relevant program.